High quality dog food is one of my passions. It is also a very controversial topic is the pet community right now. Not all dog foods are created equal and consumers really need to read what is in their dog food. Low quality dog food can create all sorts of health problems for your dog from itchy skin to cancer. Low quality pet foods include ingredients from rendering plants. These plants take dead pets, rats, raccoons, and supermarket left overs and turn them into ingredients that are commonly used in cheap pet food. To make it worse these dead animals are covered in maggots, and deadly chemicals such as flea collars, euthanasia poison, collars and ID tags. The unsold supermarket meat goes in still in the packaging with plastic and styrofoam.
Right now I'm feeding my dogs Blue Buffalo dry dog food and some canned EVO wet food to provide them a variety. I also cook my dogs dinner to ensure that they are receiving healthy and whole ingredients such as turkey, carrots, and green beans. While I"m sure this is not a perfect diet it is certainly better than some other dry kibble only diets. This morning I discovered a great blog about pet food take some time to check it out: http://petfoodtalk.com/dogfoodreviews/
If you are really interested in what you are feeding your dog and how to feed them a more healthy natural diet check out Dr. Pitcarins complete guide to natural health for dogs and cats.
The adventures of Peanut and Bailey is about my two dogs and their animal friends in Rochester NY. The adventures my dogs get into and the awesome toys and pet products they try. It is also about the training books and classes I read and attend.
Barktober Fest
Boom Towne
Buffalo Pugs
Dog Basket
Dog Shaming
Feral Cats
Fido Fest
Interactive Games
Kribbits Kritters
Lollypop Farm
Lollypop Farm Telethon
Lollypop Farm Young Professionals
pet insurance
Product Review
Raw Food
Rochester Animal Services
Snoozer Buddy Bike Basket Review
Snoozer luxury cozy cave
Toy review
Training Classes
Victoria Stilwell
Don't worry Ashley, my dog eats Canidae dog food which is more expensive than my children's food. btw - I think maggots are full of protein and are quite tasty.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear Percy is eating a good food. Next step start cooking him dinners. You can cook a bunch of food one day and freeze it for the rest of the week so he always has a home made teat!