Monday, June 13, 2011

Dog Modeling Contest

Peanut and Bailey got their photos taken for a modeling contest! Peanut my fearless leader was terrified of the lights and camera equipment. We were only able to get a few pictures of her. Bailey did a little better. He is so photogenic to begin with. I can't wait to hear if Bailey makes the cut to be in the book. The photographer did awesome with both dogs, even tho Peanut kept trying to run away!

The best part is that the pictures were taken at Cialone Photography and there was no fee. If you brought in a 10 pound bag of dog food to be donated to Lollypop Farm the session was free and you receive one free photo.


  1. I brought my two, Bristol and Bella last week. Cialone Photography was awesome with the Dogs!

  2. We just got our pictures in the mail they are fantastic!!
