Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Steping Up the Treats

One thing that I keep hearing in training classes and books is that you need to have a really high value treat when training your dog to do difficult things. For each dog a high value treat is different. In Bailey's case it is cheese every time. Cheese with more cheese on top filled with extra cheese. Peanut likes cheese but shes not as in love with it as Bailey. I've been experimenting with Peanut's treats lately. I went to the deli and got turkey, ham, and salami. So far she loves them all. The meat treats are really capturing her attention. Buying treats in the pet store can get expensive especially when yoiu are doing training since you go through so many treats. I found this website http://www.petmountain.com/ they have fantastic prices on all sorts of pet products so I ordered some freeze dried liver, dehydrated lamb lung, and Zukes training treats. Also if you spend $60 on the site shipping is free.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley - my gang really loves mixed bag treats - some are very high value (roast meat, cheese, rollover are favourites around here) and some are slightly lower - it seems to increase everyone's motivation if they aren't quite sure what they are going to get - they like everything in the bag - just to different degrees!
